Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Modeling Arm

For this project, my goal was to start on an arm and create a model sheet of the arms. I create my model sheet by cropping out arms from my ref images and then setting them all on one sheet and then highlight important areas with red circles.

For the arms, I hid the main part which was the body model by putting it on a layer and hiding the layer than I lined up two cylinders with the arm in the ref picture, and shaped both the cylinders to the arms; after reassigning the subdivisions and taking off the caps. Then I combine them and merged them. After that I began craving out the folds for the elbow by extruding a section on arm intersection. I formed it into a diamond and extruded and further shaped it to the elbow. Then I added the muscle details on the top half and then on the front of the forearm.

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