Sunday, June 10, 2012

Female Model

For this project my goal was to create the torso and legs to a female human. I began this project by setting up my image planes by going to each different view, selecting the view menu going to import image planes and dropping in the perspective image I had I edited from Photoshop. I than began by using an “underwear” technique where the model is began at the model’s pelvis and hips. It is begun by creating an underwear shaped beginning piece where everything is extruded from such as the upper torso and the legs. From this piece it was easier to shape out the appendages. Once a basic shape had been formed out of my beginning piece; I began shaping each piece by manipulating the vertices and edges to shape around my image reference. I cut my model in half so I could mirror over the second half later and cut my work load.  I also added edge loops and attempted to keep my mesh as clean as possible when working. I saved making the breasts for last after I had gotten a well-shaped torso and legs. The breasts I just extruded from her chest and reshaped them accordingly. After that I went back and added smaller details such as the belly button and the crease on her back and her collarbone definition. 

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