Sunday, June 17, 2012

Foot and Body Project

This project was a continuation on my other body part projects. In this one I had to model a foot and then combine all the elements to form the body. For the foot, I used the same tactics that I used for making the hand. I started with a cube, shaped it to the foot. Added edge loops where needed, to give more definition and then created the ankle hole and toe webbings and holes. I formed the foot further, trying to add in indentures where the foot arches and falls against the ground. I also tried to add in more cushion on certain areas of the foot around the toes, side of the foot, and heel. I formed the toes last and separately, by using the finger technique and creating them out of a cylinder, shaping them and then duplicating, and combining. Although I was aware her toes weren’t all the same shape, so I formed the arches on the knuckles of the smaller toes by pulling up and forward on a top edge on each toe.  

Later when combing all the elements of my female body together I first imported everything I needed (hands and feet) and then I began attach in the necessary areas. I only worked with half the model making it easier.  Deleting all my old image planes I imported new ones that included the entire body, and lined them up. I resized my body, hand and feet to the picture reference to make sure everything was in proportioned. I lined up and clean-up a few edges and then mirrored over the geometry of the whole thing which perfectly fit together and merged in one move.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Modeling Arm

For this project, my goal was to start on an arm and create a model sheet of the arms. I create my model sheet by cropping out arms from my ref images and then setting them all on one sheet and then highlight important areas with red circles.

For the arms, I hid the main part which was the body model by putting it on a layer and hiding the layer than I lined up two cylinders with the arm in the ref picture, and shaped both the cylinders to the arms; after reassigning the subdivisions and taking off the caps. Then I combine them and merged them. After that I began craving out the folds for the elbow by extruding a section on arm intersection. I formed it into a diamond and extruded and further shaped it to the elbow. Then I added the muscle details on the top half and then on the front of the forearm.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Female Model

For this project my goal was to create the torso and legs to a female human. I began this project by setting up my image planes by going to each different view, selecting the view menu going to import image planes and dropping in the perspective image I had I edited from Photoshop. I than began by using an “underwear” technique where the model is began at the model’s pelvis and hips. It is begun by creating an underwear shaped beginning piece where everything is extruded from such as the upper torso and the legs. From this piece it was easier to shape out the appendages. Once a basic shape had been formed out of my beginning piece; I began shaping each piece by manipulating the vertices and edges to shape around my image reference. I cut my model in half so I could mirror over the second half later and cut my work load.  I also added edge loops and attempted to keep my mesh as clean as possible when working. I saved making the breasts for last after I had gotten a well-shaped torso and legs. The breasts I just extruded from her chest and reshaped them accordingly. After that I went back and added smaller details such as the belly button and the crease on her back and her collarbone definition. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Project: Human Hand

For this project my goal was to model a human hand. I began this project by setting up my image plane by selecting the view I wanted to set the image in, and then adjusted the width of it in the attributes menu. I then started my hand from a single cube and began by shaping the square into the shape of the palm. From there I added edged loops to palm for the fingers and then an edge loop that ran across the “height” of my cube. This was because I wanted to scale the center section of the palm out to create the webbing needed for the palm and fingers. I then extruded out sections on the front of my palm, to create “finger cups” to further extent the webbing and to create place holders for the fingers. I then deleted the back faces on the wrist side, and deleted the faces within each cup to create something that resembled a fingerless glove.  From there, I extruded the edge loop on the wrist out to the arm on the ref picture and then began construction on my fingers. I made the fingers by using a cylinder. First I set the total number of subdivision on my cylinder to the total number of vertices on my “finger cups”.

 I than began using the vertices of the cylinder to fit in the form of the hand by turning on shading in one of the view windows. That way I could see through the shape and fit the shape of my primitive to the form of the model’s finger.  I also went back and added in 3 edge loops around the wrinkles in the model’s fingers, and then I dented in the vertexes on the center ring to make a wrinkle. I grabbed the faces on top of the end of the finger and extruded inward to make a nail indenture.

 I went on to duplicate the finger over and over again, and re-sized the duplicate to the shape of each finger. I then attached the fingers to the palm by bridging the edges to each other, and then deleted the extra unneeded edges that were generated. I made the nails by extracting the inside wall of the finger shaping the small sheet generated to the finger, and then duplicated in order and fit them duplicates to each finger. I also went back more than a few times to add more details to the hand, such as the bone protrusions on the top of the hand.