Monday, May 28, 2012

Curved Dagger Version 0.2

This was my 2nd attempt on the dagger after gaining some more insight with the tutorial from chapter 2 and 3. This time I was able to set up the image plane, I found out how to do this by googling it and finding some cool, free videos on I open my 4 window view and toggled onto the front view, then I opened the view menu and selected import image plane. I also learned how to shut off the image in the other views so I could see around the picture. The first time I really messed up because I tried to use and image that was slanted and doing it this way made my model come up lope sided.

SO I went back to the internet to see if I could find a different image of the same dagger. Luckily through some digging I found multiple images of dagger like the first one I had. I decided to use a picture of the dagger which was lying straight up and down; this made lining my model up on the grid easier. This time I tried to stick as close to the design as I could and moved all the vertices of my model to the outline of the picture. I later extrude several areas inward and outward to create the necessary appendages and indenture for eyes and wing flaps. This time I went back and cleaned up some of my lines to my topology cleaner, and more balanced. This time I was careful not to delete in the places, I also used the merge vertex tools to get rid of some unnecessary face and edges, as well. 

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